Club Contact

The new MP3 blog from London's club Contact. The idea is to allow people to hear new music they wouldn't have otherwise found but, if anyone has any copyright issues with a particular song, i'll take the link down. Songs are only available for a limited amount of time.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Oh Mandy

Mandy Moore has, over the last seven years, successfully managed to combine a "meh" recording career with a "meh" acting one. While her films and records have helped redefine the concept of "pleasant but avoidable" her voice has developed a rather charming maturity recently that seems much better suited to covers than her own material. She has put together a nice country-tinged remake of Rihanna's monster Umbrella.

Mandy Moore - Umbrella


  • At 1:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Where is this photo from??

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